Texas Laryngectomee Association Learner Objectives
Annual Conference January 2019
San Antonio, Texas
Susan Reeves, M.Ed., CCC-SLP
- Introduction to Esophageal Speech
- Audience will know two ways to produce esophageal speech.
- Audience will know basic assessment for esophageal speech.
- Audience will be able to outline therapeutic goals for teaching esophageal speech with measurable goals.
- SLP Panel: Questions and answers TLA Clinical Staff
- Participants will clarify new knowledge with experienced clinicians through question and answer
- Participants will identify four different working environments for certified SLPs.
- Esophageal Boot Camp
- Participant will complete hands on training with instruction on how to assess esophageal speech and techniques for teaching your partients.
Lacey Martins, M.S., CCC-SLP
- Vendor Roundabout
- Clinicians and students will interact with vendors to acquire knowledge regarding products pertaining to Laryngectomee rehabilitation
- Participants will improve knowledge regarding various types of products related to patient’s mode of communication
- Acquiring knowledge of how to establish contact with vendors for potential Laryngectomees on caseload
- Mix and Match
- Participants introduced to alaryngeal speakers and their families and be able to name 3 features of alaryngeal speech they had not considered prior to session due to interaction from families.
- Participants able to distinguish between three types of alaryngeal voices in conversational speech setting.
- Speech Clinic
- Participant will observe models for glossal press/injection and inhalation as well as be able to identify both types
- Participant will outline therapeutic hierarchy from no ES to fluent ES after hands on session.
- Participant will understand latency, timing and duration as primary success factors for ES after demonstration and hands on session
Caroline Nickel, M.S., CCC-SLP:
- Critical Pathways to Head and Neck Cancer
- To Identify steps of the pre-treatment pathway
- To identify role of different medical professionals who are part of the multidisciplinary team in pre-operative preparation period.
- Describe the role of the tumor board meeting with the establishment of care.
- Identify general goals for a pre-operative counseling session with the SLPIdentify commonly used voice prosthetics
Candy Moltz, M.S., CCC-SLP
- Introduction to electrolarynx
- The learner will be able to describe the differences in alaryngeal devices: neck type, intraoral-type, pneumatic type.
- The learner will be able to determine which type of device is appropriate to use based on the patient’s medical status, intelligibility level and preference.
- The learner will be able to state the pros and cons of each type of device.
- Electrolarynx Bootcamp
- Participant to complete hands on training for placement and on/off timing with 50% accuracy using a variety of ALS.
Jenna MackKenzie, M.S., CCC-SLP & Nicole Palmer, M.S., CCC-SLP
- Pre-Operative Counseling
- To provide a framework for the role of Speech-Language Pathologists in pre-surgical counseling for patients pending total laryngectomy. By the end of the lecture, attendees will gain an understanding of the following key concepts as they relate to pre-surgical counseling:
- Providing baseline screening & education of anatomic and functional changes of
- Respiration
- Communication
- Swallowing
- Psychosocial Impact
Kristi DeHaan, M.S., CCC-SLP
- Intro into Housing/Heat Moisture Exchange
Participants will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the need for housings and HME systems to improve pulmonary health of laryngectomy patients.
Lori Henkener, M.A. CCC/SLP
- Intro into Tracheo-Esophageal Puncture
- The participant will be able to describe what TEP speech is and how it works
- The participant will be able to determine who is an appropriate candidate for TEP
- The participant will be able identify the various types of voice prostheses
- The participant will be able to identify the steps for changing a tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis
- TEP Trouble-Shooting
- The participant will be able to identify various causes for leakage around and through the TE voice prosthesis and describe means for solving these problems.
- The participant will be able to describe how to assess the cause for post fitting aphonia
Diane Longnecker, M.S., CCC-SLP, BCS-S
- Swallowing after Total Laryngectomy
As a result of attending this presentation, the participant will be able to....
- list 3 common patient complaints of dysphagia after a total laryngectomy
- list 3 anatomy changes after a total laryngectomy
- list 3 changes to swallowing physiology after a total laryngectomy
- Making the Most out of your MBS
As a result of attending this presentation, the participant will be able to....
- list 3 types of contrast available for use in the MBS
- identify 3 anatomical features on the MBS image for patient s/p a total laryngectomy
- list 3 uses of the MBS for patients after total laryngectomy.
Lenka Stankova, M.D.
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Participants will comprehend the Anatomy and physiology of laryngectomy patient
- Participants will be expand knowledge of treatment of advanced laryngeal cancer
- Participants will be expand knowledge of Laryngectomy and pharyngolaryngectomy reconstruction
- Surgery/Treatment Options
- Participants will be expand knowledge of treatment of advanced laryngeal cancer
- Participants will be expand knowledge of Laryngectomy and pharyngolaryngectomy reconstruction
Sharon Jamison BSN, RN, CORLN
- Radiation Treatment Options for Advanced Laryngeal/ Supraglottic Cancer
- Participants will be able to explain radiation- spectrum, actions and indications
- Participants will be able to expand knowledge of enumeration of radiation effects on integumentary, vascular, pulmonary, digestive systems
- Participants will be able to identify the types of radiation therapies
Frank Brick: Laryngectomee
- Participants will learn about local club support to assist with laryngectomee and caregiver support
Participants will be able to identify 3 ways laryngectomees can connect in their community